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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Wonderful Wigglebutts!

by Savannah
(Bremerton, WA)

The kiddos, Conway, Heidi, and Tank

The kiddos, Conway, Heidi, and Tank

I am the proud parent of three Aussies! I got my fist beautiful blue merle boy, Tank, two years ago as a puppy. He is now my service dog. I am hard of hearing and he alerts to all those high frequency sounds that I just can't hear. As of two weeks ago I also inherited two four year old Aussies! Both black tris. Conway is the male and Heidi is our female. It sure is interesting living with two unaltered boys and our girl, but they get along sooo well now that they are used to one another! I will never own another breed as long as I live!

Comments for Wonderful Wigglebutts!

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Gorgeous Dogs!
by: Anonymous

What beautiful dogs! My Aussie, when I get home from a long day at work, will sit and her butt will just start vibrating, and then when I go to pet her, her hips just start swinging back and forth. She also loves to run through people's legs, her butt wiggling all the while. Does anyone else's Aussie do that? Anyway, it's adorable. I will never own a dog that isn't an Aussie for the rest of my life. Aussies are the best!

Wigglebutts is Right!
by: Russ

You bet they are wigglebutts. My Molly, who looks like Conway but with all white chest, will be 8 on July 4th and definitely defines the term wigglebutt. When I come home she can't stand still until I make her sit and then sit up for her kiss on the head. She loves to have her rump scratched and then she wiggles and dances all over the place. The more I scratch (or even just nub her with my fingers) the harder she wiggles and bumps me until she is fairly bouncing off my legs! When people ask about if she has a tail or not I say no - she's a wigglebutt and also that real dogs don't have tails and great dogs don't need tails! Aussies are just the best, aren't they? I haven't posted her yet but I will soon.


When I read he heading of your story, I laughed. I remember the first vet I took my Luke to, called him that. Little did I know that others call their Aussie's that too. Thanks for bringing back a happy memory.

by: Linda

The one on the left looks like my Scooter, they are all beautiful. It's funny how we all call them wigglebutts LOL :)

by: Ana Laura

They are absolutely beautiful. Congrats!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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